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UBP in der Presse 30.08.2021

“Key rates could rise gradually from the second half of 2022”

Article l’Agefi (27.08.2021) - Macroeconomic developments and how central banks are handling them remain the focus for institutional investors. UBP's head of global fixed income Philippe Gräub shares his analysis.

UBP in der Presse 23.08.2021

The IPCC report – ‘code red’ for humanity

Environmental Finance (12.08.2021) - The latest IPCC report should shock the world into climate action – and for investors that means prioritising positive impact, writes Rupert Welchman.

UBP in der Presse 28.07.2021

Impact Investing ist mehr als grüne Energie

Handelszeitung (29.06.2021) - Jahrzehntelang klaffte die Art, wie wir leben und wie wir investieren auseinander. Heute lassen sich diese beiden Aspekte miteinander vereinbaren

UBP in der Presse 26.07.2021

Der LIBOR ist tot, es lebe der SARON!

Le Temps (26.07.2021) - Der Countdown läuft. Nicht einmal mehr sechs Monate sind es, bis am 1. Januar 2022 mit der Ablösung des LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) in der Finanzwelt eine neue Ära beginnt.

UBP in der Presse 21.07.2021

Japan’s corporate landscape enhanced by governance reform

Agefi Actifs (23.07.2021) - Significant improvements in corporate governance in Japan – as shown in particular by increasing female representation in companies' governing bodies – could drive stronger momentum in the Japanese market over the long term.

UBP in der Presse 16.07.2021

Fed rate hikes ahead: our exposure confirmed

Institutional Money (16.07.2021) - Recent moves by the Fed confirm our fixed-income views of being defensive on interest rate exposure and constructive on credit exposure.

UBP in der Presse 12.07.2021

Assessing the impact intensity of companies

Allnews (12.07.2021) - Union Bancaire Privée is taking a unique approach to impact investing. Interview with Simon Pickard and Mathieu Nègre.

UBP in der Presse 05.07.2021

The evolution of Impact Investing in listed markets – and what happens next ?

A lot has changed in the last few years. Impact investing in listed equity is relatively new and, in recent years, there has been much debate about whether impact can even be achieved in secondary markets.

UBP in der Presse 17.06.2021

Asset TV Fund Selector: Environmental Impact

Environmental impact investing in equities has moved from a niche strategy to the mainstream in recent years. But what exactly are environmental equities, their current valuations and the opportunities available in this sector?

UBP in der Presse 14.06.2021

Europa startet aus der Poleposition

Institutional Money (04.06.2021) - Nachdem Europa im Erholungsprozess nach der Pandemie bislang hinter anderen Regionen zurücklag, sprechen aus unserer Sicht nun einige Faktoren dafür, dass Europa andere überrunden wird. Das sind vielversprechende Perspektiven für europäische Unternehmensanleihen, insbesondere die höherverzinslichen Papiere wie High Yield- oder AT1-Anleihen.

UBP in der Presse 18.05.2021

Agilität: Der Schlüsselfaktor für den Erfolg Schweizer Privatbanken

Le Temps (17.05.2021) - Meinung. Die Schweizer Vermögensverwaltung, die manchmal als traditionell, um nicht zu sagen «altmodisch» dargestellt wird, hat sich einmal mehr als agile und innovative Branche erwiesen, die ihre Führungsposition behaupten kann.

UBP in der Presse 17.05.2021

Impact investing: reconciling nature and our finances

Raconteur (The Wealth Management 2021 report published in The Sunday Times - 16.05.2021) - The health of our planet is intimately linked to your pension and your long-term financial goals, says Victoria Leggett, Head of Impact Investing at UBP.

UBP in der Presse 12.05.2021

The end of ICE age?

Option Finance (21.03.2021) - In the last six months there have been strategy roll-outs from three car makers which are very important for different reasons and jointly may signal an even brighter outlook for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) than the current consensus, and possibly mark the beginning of the end for Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles.

UBP in der Presse 07.05.2021

Steigende Realzinsen: Wie Institutionelle daraus das Beste machen

Institutional Money (06.05.2021) - In den vergangenen Monaten sind die Nominalzinsen weltweit gestiegen. Dieser Trend wird unserer Einschätzung nach andauern, allerdings aus anderen Gründen. Damit stellt sich die Frage, wie sich Anleger nun an den Rentenmärkten positionieren sollten.

UBP in der Presse 05.05.2021

UBP’s wealth management model in Asia

Hubbis (03.04.2021) – Hubbis recently spoke with Michael Blake, CEO UBP Asia, as he cast his eye over the regional wealth management market and explained why he and UBP remain so optimistic about private banking in the region.

UBP in der Presse 23.04.2021

The bright green future of finance

L'Agefi (23.04.2021) – Union Bancaire Privée is on a continuous growth trajectory integrating sustainability criteria. We interviewed Nicolas Faller, the bank’s Co-CEO Asset Management.