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  • 10.08.2022

    China: Politburo drops GDP target and decrees stability in H2 2022

    GDP growth bottomed in Q2 and should recover around 5.0% y/y in H2 2022. The July Politburo meeting confirmed this, stressing “stability” and dropping the 5.5% GDP growth target. We maintain our forecast for 2022 unchanged at 3.7%.

  • 05.08.2022

    Resilientes Wirtschaftsmodell der Schweiz

    Wird das erste Halbjahr dieses Jahres einen Wendepunkt bilden? Man könnte es fast meinen, nimmt man den Gemütszustand im vergangenen Winter zum Massstab.

  • 04.08.2022

    Banking on the transition – no net zero without lenders’ support

    Whether high-income banks in developed countries or microlenders in emerging markets, the banking sector and its alliances will be indispensable in decarbonising the economy and ensuring a fair transition to net zero emissions.

  • 28.06.2022

    Backing Asia's sustainable agenda

    Citywire (22.06.2022) - Michael Blake, Asia CEO of Union Bancaire Privée, was asked how UBP is supporting the region’s increasing push for sustainable investment and how this trend is feeding into his own approach to family life.

  • 23.06.2022

    Alternatives are back with diversification opportunities

    Agefi Luxembourg (06.2022) - Against a backdrop of rising interest rates causing financial assets to be repriced downwards, investors may be interested in alternative strategies that show limited correlation with market indices.

  • 23.06.2022

    UBP publishes 2021 Sustainability Report

    UBP today released its 2021 Sustainability Report highlighting its approach to and progress on integrating sustainability into its investments and its own operations. 

  • 17.06.2022

    Wertschöpfung als Kriterium für Aktienkäufe

    The Market (16.06.2022) - Auch im gegenwärtig schwierigen Börsenumfeld bevorzugt Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Co-Head of Swiss and Global Equity bei UBP, Wachstumstitel gegenüber Value-Aktien.

  • 15.06.2022

    Investment Outlook 2022 – mid-year update

    The investment landscape has changed substantially in the last six months: conflict has broken out in Ukraine, leading to various geopolitical and social ramifications, and inflationary pressure has been rising and remains a concern across many regions.

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