Capture on China’s Rebound, and Check Risks Ahead
China remains ahead on the virus containment and production normalisation curve.
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China remains ahead on the virus containment and production normalisation curve.
Finanz und Wirtschaft (06.05.2020) - Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Co-Leiterin Aktien Schweiz & global bei Union Bancaire Privee, setzt auf krisenfeste Unternehmen und warnt vor zu viel Optimismus.
Professional Pensions (24.04.2020) - The fastest bear market in history ends one of the longest-ever bull markets
Responsible Investor (22.04.2020) - An investor who focuses solely on low carbon emissions could end up investing in polluters, while excluding some of the most important providers of solutions to the climate emergency.
Die Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) gibt bekannt, dass Kier Boley zum neuen CIO Alternative Investment Solutions und Co-Head Alternative Investment Solutions ernannt wurde.
Our Global Head of Forex Strategy, Peter Kinsella, discusses how Italian bond yield increases are going to affect the euro.
UBP is proud to release the second edition of its Impact Report.
Spotlight - Die US-Notenbank Fed hat zugesichert, sie werde alles Notwendige tun, um die Auswirkungen der Coronavirus- Pandemie auf die USA und die Weltwirtschaft auszugleichen. Gold wird von dieser Zusage am meisten profitieren.
Good With Money (25.03.2020) – Our Co-Manager of the Positive Impact Equity strategy Rupert Welchman discusses the importance of impact investing in the current environment.
India’s total infected cases (979) and fatality rate (25) remain low but it has been escalating. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), this can become overwhelming, if uncontrolled.
Spotlight - With the US and broader European economies entering the ‘acceleration’ phase of their respective COVID-19 infection cycles, fiscal policymakers across Europe and the United States have begun outlining plans to bear down on this growing shock to demand and confidence.
Redner: Mohammed Kazmi, Nina Jahanbin
Redner: Kier Boley, John Argi, Robert Wibberley
Redner: Adrian Künzi