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  • 13.09.2021

    China: the landscape has changed

    China’s deployment of a growing range of tools across its policy arsenal highlights the sharp pivot that has taken place from the ‘To get rich is glorious’ era of Deng Xiaoping to the ‘Common Prosperity’ epoch being pursued in earnest by its current leader, Xi Jinping.

  • 08.09.2021

    Asian lockdown resists reopening

    Asian markets are being slow to emerge from lockdown, despite the rest of the world gradually opening up its economies again. The reasons for this have much to do with low vaccination rates, but also with governance. A growth gap between developed and emerging markets is beginning to appear.

  • 07.09.2021

    Positive Einstellung zu Unternehmens-anleihen

    Unsere positive Grundhaltung in Bezug auf die Märkte für Unternehmensanleihen im bisherigen Jahresverlauf hat weiterhin Bestand. Grundlage dafür ist unser Makroszenario einer kräftigen und weltweit nachhaltigen Konjunkturerholung.

  • 06.09.2021

    “Sustainable finance is our responsibility”

    SSF Market Study 2021 reveals what lies behind the growth in sustainable investments

  • 02.09.2021

    Making fashion sustainable by choosing longevity

    What influence do we as individual consumers have on how sustainable the global textile industry is? Quite a bit, as it turns out. What clothes we buy and how often we do so determines how sustainably one of the world’s largest industries is going to evolve.

  • 30.08.2021

    “Key rates could rise gradually from the second half of 2022”

    Article l’Agefi (27.08.2021) - Macroeconomic developments and how central banks are handling them remain the focus for institutional investors. UBP's head of global fixed income Philippe Gräub shares his analysis.

  • 25.08.2021

    Sustainable fashion – a contradiction in terms?

    The fashion industry is attracting more and more attention for its environmental and social footprint. While it has a long way to go before becoming truly sustainable, a host of promising initiatives points towards a greener future ahead.

  • 23.08.2021

    The IPCC report – ‘code red’ for humanity

    Environmental Finance (12.08.2021) - The latest IPCC report should shock the world into climate action – and for investors that means prioritising positive impact, writes Rupert Welchman.

  • 05.08.2021

    UBP Participates in Africa's First SDG Bond

    The issuance of green, social and sustainability bonds by emerging and frontier countries is gaining traction. UBP expects further expansion of the market.

  • 29.07.2021

    What ESG factors mean for bonds in EM

    The creditworthiness of an emerging market country is often thought to be determined simply by its ability to service and repay debt.

  • 28.07.2021

    Impact Investing ist mehr als grüne Energie

    Handelszeitung (29.06.2021) - Jahrzehntelang klaffte die Art, wie wir leben und wie wir investieren auseinander. Heute lassen sich diese beiden Aspekte miteinander vereinbaren

  • 27.07.2021

    Japan: Lukewarm Olympics, consumption to recover in H2

    Asia Macro - The Olympics will take place despite the State of Emergency (SOE) being extended until August 23. International spectators have been banned and consumer sentiment remains subdued, with few people supporting the event.

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