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  • 07.05.2021

    Steigende Realzinsen: Wie Institutionelle daraus das Beste machen

    Institutional Money (06.05.2021) - In den vergangenen Monaten sind die Nominalzinsen weltweit gestiegen. Dieser Trend wird unserer Einschätzung nach andauern, allerdings aus anderen Gründen. Damit stellt sich die Frage, wie sich Anleger nun an den Rentenmärkten positionieren sollten.

  • 06.05.2021

    Why the Japanese market is performing well again

    Japan’s equity markets have outpaced other major developed market equities in both 2020 and year-to-date in 2021 as the world seeks to transition to a post-pandemic recovery.

  • 05.05.2021

    UBP’s wealth management model in Asia

    Hubbis (03.04.2021) – Hubbis recently spoke with Michael Blake, CEO UBP Asia, as he cast his eye over the regional wealth management market and explained why he and UBP remain so optimistic about private banking in the region.

  • 04.05.2021

    Positive performance defies volatile markets

    The first quarter of 2021 was positive for most asset classes. However, financial markets were far from calm.

  • 23.04.2021

    The bright green future of finance

    L'Agefi (23.04.2021) – Union Bancaire Privée is on a continuous growth trajectory integrating sustainability criteria. We interviewed Nicolas Faller, the bank’s Co-CEO Asset Management.

  • 19.04.2021

    Is an integrated model key to serving familyoffices?

    PWM (08.04.2021) – Union Bancaire Privée’s Michael Blake discusses the importance of an integrated investment banking and wealth management model for servicing wealthy families

  • 14.04.2021

    The vaccine disrupting the pharma industry

    UBP talks to Stéphane Bancel, Moderna CEO, to learn how the mRNA technology not only made one of the first COVID-19 vaccines possible, but, more importantly for investors, has the potential to disrupt the broader pharmaceutical industry in its wake.

  • 12.04.2021

    Impact investing’s spread to all asset classes

    Option Finance (26.03.2021) – Impact investing – investing with the intention of having a positive impact on the environment and society – originated in the private equity market but is now spreading to all asset classes.

  • 08.04.2021

    Geldpolitik nach Corona

    Institutional Money (06.04.2021) - Die Pandemie stellte uns vor nie dagewesene Herausforderungen und rechtfertigte in ihrer Dramatik ein starkes Eingreifen der Politik in das Wirtschaftsgeschehen.

  • 01.04.2021

    Gold bleibt unter Druck

    Bilan (31.03.2021) - As vaccines offer a way out of the current crisis, we should see a greater rebound among small and mid-cap companies, the so-called ‘SMID-cap’ segment, than in the broader market.

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