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  • 14.02.2020

    No-coupon convertibles in demand

    Allnews (07.02.2020) - 2019 was an excellent year for the primary market, says Marc Basselier, head of convertible bonds at UBP.

  • 13.02.2020

    Are all batteries created equal?

    Environmental finance (02.2020) - Electric vehicles (EVs) have an important contribution to make towards a zero-carbon future and therefore are suitable for inclusion in a positive impact investment strategy.

  • 12.02.2020

    UBP’s ICC sponsorship gathers momentum

    It’s full steam ahead for cricket, with youth and women’s fixtures growing and attracting fans.

  • 31.01.2020

    UBP posts strong performance in Asian business

    The Business Times (29.01.2020) - Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) posted a strong set of results in its Asian operations in 2019, thanks to a number of factors, including strong growth in client mandates.

  • 30.01.2020

    The advantages of EU regulation for international successions

    Le Temps (26.01.2020) - In an era of globalisation, ultra-mobility and the international diversification of wealth, there are a huge number of wealthy families with an international profile which can attract multijurisdictional risks to unplanned successions.

  • 23.01.2020

    UBP’s remontada

    2018 erreichte die Union Bancaire Privée praktisch wieder das 2007 verzeichnete Kundenvermöge, das aufgrund der Krise auf 65 Milliarden Ende 2010 gesunken war. Seither ist es der Bank gelungen, ihre Grösse zu verdoppeln und sich neu aufzustellen, um auf Wachstumskurs zu bleiben.

  • 17.01.2020

    5G – on the cusp of a new cycle

    After several years of investments, regulatory implementation and competitive bidding, 5G deployment is finally accelerating.

  • 15.01.2020

    China’s Macro, Equity and Credit Outlook

    Despite heightening military confrontation between the United States and Iran, China equities enjoyed a solid start in the new year.

  • 09.01.2020

    EM opportunities in 2020

    Podcast - We see a more helpful economic climate for EM, at least going into the early part of the year, with some signs of growth stabilisation and less pressure on exports.

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