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  • 25.08.2024

    The cost of transition: what are the implications of tariffs?

    In a bid to preserve their own industries and reduce their dependency on China, the US and EU recently raised trade barriers against Chinese companies, sparking concerns about the cost and pace of the West’s energy transition. The debate is complex, and environmental and social externalities are a crucial part of it.

  • 16.08.2024

    A wave of positive sentiment sweeps in for commodity hedge funds

    The second quarter of 2024 is seeing a wave of positive investor sentiment, with commodity hedge funds stepping back into the spotlight in the financial arena.

  • 14.08.2024

    UBP House View - August 2024

    Earlier in August, global equity markets tumbled due to disappointing US macro data and the unwinding of the Yen carry trade. However, as we expect elevated market volatility until the US Presidential election in November, it may be premature to consider buying the dip.

  • 13.08.2024

    Was Finanzkennzahlen über die Solidität einer Bank aussagen

    Der Sommer ist in vollem Gange, und mit ihm kommt die Saison der Halbjahresergebnisse der Schweizer Banken. Diese Mitteilungen weisen manchmal eine Fülle von Abkürzungen wie CET1, LCR oder NSFR auf, allesamt Finanzkennzahlen, mit denen die Zahlungsfähigkeit einer Bank berechnet werden kann.

  • 07.08.2024

    UBP appoints Teresa Lee as Region Head North Asia and Chief Executive Hong Kong

    Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) is pleased to announce the appointment of Teresa Lee as Region Head North Asia and Chief Executive Hong Kong.

  • 06.08.2024

    2024 US Elections: a new start

    The attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Joe Biden's withdrawal from the race, and the rise of Kamala Harris: unexpected twists have emerged in the US presidential election.

  • 05.08.2024

    Die UBP unterzeichnet zwei exklusive Vereinbarungen zur Übernahme des internationalen Private-Banking-Geschäfts der Societe Generale in Grossbritannien und der Schweiz

    Die Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) und die Societe Generale gaben heute bekannt, dass sie zwei exklusive Vereinbarungen getroffen haben, wonach die UBP das Schweizer Private-Banking-Geschäft der Societe Generale (Societe Generale Private Banking Suisse) sowie deren Vermögensverwaltungssparte in Grossbritannien und auf den Kanalinseln (SG Kleinwort Hambros) übernehmen wird. Beide Transaktionen werden voraussichtlich bis zum Ende des ersten Quartals 2025 abgeschlossen sein.

  • 25.07.2024

    UBP Concludes Global Mid-Year Investment Outlook

    We recently concluded a series of dynamic mid-year Investment Outlook events in key global cities, all with the theme of “Back to the Future.” 

  • 22.07.2024

    Geschäftsergebnis für das erste Halbjahr 2024

    Die Union Bancaire Privée kündigt Gewinnsteigerung um 24,6% auf CHF 138,1 Millionen an

  • 12.07.2024

    Sustainability: an increasingly important consideration for wealth management

    In early 2023, Nicolas Barben was appointed UBP’s Group Head of ESG Solutions within the Wealth Management division. We spoke to him about the role of regulation, the evolution of client interest in sustainability, and the performance of sustainable solutions, as well as his top priorities.

  • 11.07.2024

    UBP House View - July 2024

    Equity markets rallied during the first half of the year, driven by earnings growth, a macro backdrop that was more resilient than expected, and continued appetite for AI winners (the “Magnificent 7”). Looking ahead, we anticipate a broadening of equity markets’ leadership. Read more about our insights in the July edition of UBP’s House View.

  • 10.07.2024

    Finnish ex-premier addresses UBP clients
    Our annual flagship conference “UBP Looks at Geopolitics” at the prestigious Widder Hotel in Zurich recently brought together nearly 130 clients, prospects, and UBP employees for an evening of dynamic dialogue. The anticipation was palpable as Adrian Künzi introduced the high-profile keynote speaker, Sanna Marin.

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