Why choose impact in emerging markets?
UBP’s expert Mathieu Nègre explains why impact investing in listed emerging equities is a significant investing opportunity for at least two reasons.
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UBP’s expert Mathieu Nègre explains why impact investing in listed emerging equities is a significant investing opportunity for at least two reasons.
UBP has made significant donations to several projects aiming to have a rapid, practical and sustained impact in the current crisis, mainly to help the neediest people in society but also to support medical research and to enable the economy to recover as quickly as possible.
Die Covid-19-Krise hat viele Teile der Wirtschaft stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.
Spotlight - We see three key risks on the horizon: secondary outbreaks in the US, rising US-China geopolitical tension and political fragmentation in the Euro area
In line with the UBP Group’s strategy to reduce its environmental footprint, on 18 March UBP Monaco signed the Principality of Monaco’s National Energy Transition Pact.
Monaco For Finance (23.04.2020) - Sérène El Masri was appointed Site Manager of UBP’s Monaco branch one year ago. Monaco For Finance spoke to her about her impressions of Monaco as a financial centre.
On Wednesday 6 May 2020, Norman Villamin and Peter Kinsella hosted the “Market Spotlight” webinar to discuss the rapidly changing markets and the opportunities and risks they present.
China remains ahead on the virus containment and production normalisation curve.
Finanz und Wirtschaft (06.05.2020) - Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, Co-Leiterin Aktien Schweiz & global bei Union Bancaire Privee, setzt auf krisenfeste Unternehmen und warnt vor zu viel Optimismus.
Professional Pensions (24.04.2020) - The fastest bear market in history ends one of the longest-ever bull markets
An investor who focuses solely on low carbon emissions could end up investing in polluters, while excluding some of the most important providers of solutions to the climate emergency.
Redner: Peter Kinsella
Redner: Norman Villamin
Redner: Adrian Künzi