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  • 05.11.2021

    Key developments to watch for at COP26

    With the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference currently underway in Glasgow, Union Bancaire Privée's Impact Investing team has compiled a list of important areas to focus on. The outcome of the conference will be crucial in determining how humanity can mitigate and adapt to climate change.

  • 25.10.2021

    Private debt and affordable housing: a match?

    Financial Investigator (01.10.2021) - Private debt can boost the supply of social and affordable housing, for the benefit of investors and low-income residents alike. We see potential for a long-running investment theme. 

  • 21.10.2021

    Why go for frontier markets?

    Frontier markets offer an attractive investment opportunity, as a separate investment from global EMD, for several reasons. The most obvious is that returns have outpaced broader sovereign EMD through all relevant periods. 

  • 15.10.2021

    Finding quality growth in the US market

    In the United States, the Covid-19 Delta variant is continuing to wreak havoc, causing concern that the recovery could be derailed. However, there are reasons to be optimistic about the US equity market, with companies having posted exceptional earnings over the second quarter. Looking ahead, a focus on long-term, sustainable, quality, growth companies is the right approach to capture returns.

  • 14.10.2021

    UBP’s “wish list” for the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15)

    London, 12 October 2021 - With the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) under way this week in Kunming, China, Union Bancaire Privée’s (UBP) Impact Investing team has called on delegates to match their ambitions on the protection of global biodiversity by issuing four “wishes” for commitments at the Conference.

  • 14.10.2021

    In die Biodiversität investieren - warum jetzt und wie

    Die Biodiversität bezeichnet die biologische Vielfalt von Leben in allen seinen Formen, die Tier- und Pflanzenarten, deren genetische Variationen und Ökosysteme. Biodiversität ist für unsere Gesundheit und das Fortbestehen des Planeten zentral.

  • 08.10.2021

    China’s housing sector: authorities walking a fine line

    Tighter rules have led to rapid deleveraging in China’s housing sector. Embattled real-estate developer Evergrande’s situation has sent shock waves through the credit market. The company’s default looks manageable but could become a systemic issue if the authorities do not facilitate an orderly default.

  • 04.10.2021

    Beste Zeiten für Private Markets-Anlagen als Anlagealternative

    Le Temps (04.10.2021) - Seit die Private Markets in den 1990er Jahren in Mode gekommen sind, haben sie noch nie so starken Zulauf erlebt wie heute. Die privaten Märkte decken einen Grossteil des Bereichs der Alternative Investments und damit des breiten Spektrums nicht traditioneller Anlageklassen ab.

  • 21.09.2021

    587 investors press COP26 governments on climate

    The world stands at the beginning of a pivotal decade in which institutional investors and governments each have a responsibility to accelerate action to tackle the climate crisis. UBP is a signatory of the 2021 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis.

  • 17.09.2021

    UBP is an official signatory to the UK Stewardship Code

    The UK Stewardship Code 2020 sets high stewardship standards for those investing on behalf of UK savers and pensioners.

  • 13.09.2021

    China: the landscape has changed

    China’s deployment of a growing range of tools across its policy arsenal highlights the sharp pivot that has taken place from the ‘To get rich is glorious’ era of Deng Xiaoping to the ‘Common Prosperity’ epoch being pursued in earnest by its current leader, Xi Jinping.

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