FRNs: an attractive medium-term opportunity
Institutional Money (08.09.2020) - FRNs offer an attractive risk/reward profile at the effective lower bound
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Institutional Money (08.09.2020) - FRNs offer an attractive risk/reward profile at the effective lower bound
On Thursday 1 October 2020, UBP's experts Norman Villamin and Peter Kinsella hosted a webinar with Evy Hambro, Global Head of Thematic and Sector Investing at Blackrock, to discuss what gold investors can expect in the quarters ahead.
Spotlight - September saw the end of the US Federal Reserve’s inflation containment policy regime in place since the 1970s.
With the current respite in markets, investors need to re-anchor their portfolios within the rapidly shifting investment landscape.
Finanz und Wirtschaft (19.09.2020) - Since early August, gold prices have traded in a tight range, between 1900 and 2000 per ounce.
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an economic downturn worse than the global financial crisis. The response from governments and central banks has been dramatic in both fiscal and monetary terms.
Institutional Money (04.09.2020) - AT1s having benefited from the last decade’s banking reforms, the potential for attractive returns in this asset class could grow considerably in a stabilisation scenario.
In recent weeks, silver has experienced huge price swings, moving from levels of around $19 to $29 per ounce.
Environmental Finance (14.08) - There is a strong argument for saying that private education has no place in impact investing because education is a basic public good that should be freely accessible to all.
There have been concerns about a possible exodus of wealth from Hong Kong following the enactment of the National Security Law.
Since the height of the Covid-19 crisis in March 2020, risk assets have seen a significant rebound, with credit spreads reverting to more normalised, albeit still elevated, levels.
Speakers: Peter Kinsella
Speakers: Norman Villamin
Speakers: Adrian Künzi