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  • 05.10.2020

    Webinar – Opportunities in the Gold Mining Sector

    On Thursday 1 October 2020, UBP's experts Norman Villamin and Peter Kinsella hosted a webinar with Evy Hambro, Global Head of Thematic and Sector Investing at Blackrock, to discuss what gold investors can expect in the quarters ahead.

  • 01.10.2020

    Investing amidst a new Fed policy regime

    Spotlight - September saw the end of the US Federal Reserve’s inflation containment policy regime in place since the 1970s. 

  • 29.09.2020

    Adrian Kuenzi: «I Wanted This Rupture»

    Finews (28.09.2020) - Adrian Kuenzi has taken his next career step at Union Bancaire Privée, he told in an interview. The bank will keep investing, because the best of cost-cutting program won't help it win new clients.

  • 28.09.2020

    Impact of the Pandemic on the Global Economy

    With the current respite in markets, investors need to re-anchor their portfolios within the rapidly shifting investment landscape.

  • 24.09.2020

    Positive event risks for gold

    Finanz und Wirtschaft (19.09.2020) - Since early August, gold prices have traded in a tight range, between 1900 and 2000 per ounce.

  • 15.09.2020

    Private Debt – the Last Refuge for Yield

    The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an economic downturn worse than the global financial crisis. The response from governments and central banks has been dramatic in both fiscal and monetary terms.

  • 07.09.2020

    AT1s look attractive for investors today

    Institutional Money (04.09.2020) - AT1s having benefited from the last decade’s banking reforms, the potential for attractive returns in this asset class could grow considerably in a stabilisation scenario.

  • 04.09.2020

    Forex Focus: Silver Forecast

    In recent weeks, silver has experienced huge price swings, moving from levels of around $19 to $29 per ounce.

  • 21.08.2020

    Does private education generate positive impact?

    Environmental Finance (14.08) - There is a strong argument for saying that private education has no place in impact investing because education is a basic public good that should be freely accessible to all. 

  • 21.08.2020

    Family office wealth more spread between Asia’s two hubs than before

    There have been concerns about a possible exodus of wealth from Hong Kong following the enactment of the National Security Law. 

  • 13.08.2020

    Spreads: contained for virus, tightening for yields

    Since the height of the Covid-19 crisis in March 2020, risk assets have seen a significant rebound, with credit spreads reverting to more normalised, albeit still elevated, levels.

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