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  • 02.02.2023

    UBP partners with Brigade Capital Management to widen its liquid alternative offering

    Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (“UBP”) has onboarded a new credit alternative strategy on its alternative UCITS platform.

  • 01.02.2023



  • 31.01.2023

    Spotlight on Growth Momentum in Asia

    With UBP’s Investment Outlook 2023 wrapping up its global roadshow, our Asia Senior Economist Carlos Casanova takes stock of the major macroeconomic events that marked 2022 in and around China and looks ahead to the landscape unfolding in 2023.

  • 17.01.2023

    The appeal of wealth planning amid increasing mobility

    Le Temps (16.01.2023) - In a world of heightened uncertainty, more and more private bank clients are considering setting up residence outside their native countries, and recent geopolitical tensions have sped up this trend.

  • 11.01.2023

    Alternatives enter a new era

    L'Agefi (16.12.2022) - Having played a supporting role while rates were low, alternative investments came back into the limelight when markets struggled in 2022. UBP’s Kier Boley went into it for us.

  • 09.01.2023

    The case for Chinese onshore convertible bonds

    The Chinese onshore convertible bond market is the second-largest in the world. It has soared dramatically since early 2017 due to regulatory changes promoting more transparent financing. It is dominated by mid- and large-cap names offering diversified and balanced exposure to domestic Chinese growth.

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