UBP partners up for Building Bridges
A cross-sectoral push for sustainable finance
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A cross-sectoral push for sustainable finance
Le Temps (04.10.2021) - Depuis que les marchés privés ont commencé à prendre leur essor dans les années 1990, jamais ils n’avaient été portés par des vents aussi favorables. Ils recouvrent une large partie du périmètre de la gestion alternative, à savoir toutes les classes d’actifs non traditionnelles.
The world stands at the beginning of a pivotal decade in which institutional investors and governments each have a responsibility to accelerate action to tackle the climate crisis. UBP is a signatory of the 2021 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis.
The UK Stewardship Code 2020 sets high stewardship standards for those investing on behalf of UK savers and pensioners.
China’s deployment of a growing range of tools across its policy arsenal highlights the sharp pivot that has taken place from the ‘To get rich is glorious’ era of Deng Xiaoping to the ‘Common Prosperity’ epoch being pursued in earnest by its current leader, Xi Jinping.
Asian markets are being slow to emerge from lockdown, despite the rest of the world gradually opening up its economies again. The reasons for this have much to do with low vaccination rates, but also with governance. A growth gap between developed and emerging markets is beginning to appear.
Allnews (07.09.2021) - Cette année, nous avons conservé – et continuons de conserver – une vue positive sur les marchés du crédit. Cela a été motivé par notre scénario macroéconomique d’une reprise robuste et soutenue de la croissance mondiale alors que les économies se normalisent après le déploiement des vaccins.
Le changement climatique est aujourd’hui une réalité qui rend nécessaire la mise en œuvre d’un processus historique de transformation en vue d’une utilisation beaucoup plus parcimonieuse des ressources de notre planète.
What influence do we as individual consumers have on how sustainable the global textile industry is? Quite a bit, as it turns out. What clothes we buy and how often we do so determines how sustainably one of the world’s largest industries is going to evolve.
Article l’Agefi (27.08.2021) - Le contexte macro et son influence sur les banques centrales restent au cœur de l’attention des investisseurs institutionnels. Décryptage avec Philippe Gräub, responsable de la gestion obligataire globale à l’UBP.
The fashion industry is attracting more and more attention for its environmental and social footprint. While it has a long way to go before becoming truly sustainable, a host of promising initiatives points towards a greener future ahead.
Environmental Finance (12.08.2021) - The latest IPCC report should shock the world into climate action – and for investors that means prioritising positive impact, writes Rupert Welchman.
Intervenants: Mohammed Kazmi, Nina Jahanbin
Intervenants: Kier Boley, John Argi, Robert Wibberley
Intervenants: Adrian Künzi