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  • 25.01.2022

    AI and blockchain: A match made in the Metaverse

    The Metaverse represents a new evolution of the internet based on 3D interoperable virtual worlds. Artificial intelligence and blockchain will play a major role in powering digital avatars and allowing users to monetise their content.

  • 19.01.2022

    «The Fed will be selling bonds faster than 2017»

    Finanz und Wirtschaft (17.01.2022) - Norman Villamin, CIO Wealth Management of Union Bancaire Privée, expects a radical shift in monetary policy. A tightening cycle is less bad for equities than for bonds and gold, he says.

  • 18.01.2022

    Positive outlook and improving fundamentals

    Macro and micro conditions in 2022 should be positive for credit markets, says Mohammed Kazmi, Portfolio Manager and Macro Strategist, in this podcast with Bernard McGrath, Senior Investment Specialist.

  • 18.01.2022

    Innovative climate finance: UBP partners with the Swiss Climate Foundation

    UBP is kicking off the new year with an exciting new partnership. 

  • 17.01.2022

    Building new pillars of growth in Asia on solid wealth management foundations

    Hubbis (10.01.2022) - Having more than doubled its assets under management (AUM) since 2016, UBP's wealth and asset management businesses at the end of 2020 managed more than USD 30 billion across Asia.

  • 14.01.2022

    Towards a Net Zero Emissions Economy with Green Bonds

    The market for green and social bond issued by financial and non-financial companies is booming.

  • 13.01.2022

    L’UBP devient partenaire de la Comédie de Genève

    L’UBP a le plaisir d’annoncer être le nouveau partenaire de la Comédie de Genève pour les trois prochaines saisons.

  • 11.01.2022

    Emerging market fixed income: An asset class of choice for 2022

    Despite waning global growth momentum and rising inflation, strong fundamentals and relative valuations are offering compelling arguments for a strategic allocation to emerging market fixed income.

  • 06.01.2022

    The pillars behind ‘Swiss-made’ excellence

    Global consumers’ everyday lives are shaped by Swiss products and services at different levels and in various aspects. Our experts dive into the secret behind “Swiss-made” quality.

  • 03.01.2022

    L’industrie financière comme accélérateur de la transition vers une économie durable

    Le Temps (27.12.2021) - Il est une perspective sur laquelle tout le monde s’accorde aujourd’hui: l’industrie financière est appelée à jouer un rôle majeur dans la décarbonisation des économies de par sa capacité à réorienter stratégiquement les flux de capitaux privés.

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