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  • 26.11.2024

    Global equity insights for 2025

    In their latest podcast, UBP’s Co-Heads of Swiss and Global Equity, Martin Moeller and Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, provide us with their insights into the equity space, and in particular global equities, as the year draws to a close and we move into 2025.

  • 11.09.2024

    Value-creators beat the fade

    You might have heard about our Swiss & Global Equity team’s investment approach, which revolves around cash-flow return on investments (known as CFROI – Source: UBS HOLT) and the selection of companies with high and stable CFROI only for some of its portfolios. This is a measure that gives an indication of a company’s ability to create value.

  • 26.04.2024

    Swiss equities back on the radar

    Following a relatively lacklustre performance in 2023 and the Swiss National Bank’s recent interest rate cut, is now the time to revisit the Swiss equity opportunity set? In this Investment Rendez-Vous podcast, Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, co-head of UBP’s Swiss and Global Equity team, walks us through Swiss business models, current valuations and industries of particular interest.

  • 17.04.2024

    Diversification is crucial, especially in 2024

    As 2023’s concentrated market rally is extending into 2024, equity investors are worried about a potential consolidation or pullback.

  • 12.03.2024

    Why Swiss equities should be considered in every equity allocation in 2024

    Investors may find the strong fundamentals and stable economic, political and social aspects of Switzerland attractive in terms of equity investments in a year which may be dominated by geopolitical newsflow.

  • 02.02.2024

    Monetary policy to give way to fiscal policy

    UBP gives Allnews its latest economic and investment outlook for 2024, with Norman Villamin (N.V.), Group Chief Strategist, and Eleanor Taylor Jolidon (E.T.J.), Co-Head Swiss & Global Equity Franchise and Senior Portfolio Manager.

  • 07.07.2023

    Generative AI – an opportunity for active asset managers

    Bilan - (28.06.2023) - After a disappointing year for tech investors in 2022 – with the Nasdaq 100 falling 33% – some observers called time on a sector that had totally dominated the last decade.

  • 27.05.2022

    Market volatility and a shift to risk

    The ability to keep generating cash flow above cost of capital even during rough patches is a sign of stability in a company, says UBP’s Martin Moeller.

  • 10.12.2020

    Warum sich Schweizer Aktien dank ihrer Wertschöpfungs-kraft bewähren

    Selten seit Beginn der globalisierten Finanzmärkte mangelte es den Aktienmärkten derart an Visibilität. Die allgegenwärtige Gesundheitsbedrohung und die sich häufenden geopolitisch instabilen Situationen haben die Kunst der Wirtschaftsprognose kurz- und mittelfristig enorm erschwert. 

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