1. Newsroom


企业 01.02.2023



洞见 31.01.2023

Spotlight on Growth Momentum in Asia

With UBP’s Investment Outlook 2023 wrapping up its global roadshow, our Asia Senior Economist Carlos Casanova takes stock of the major macroeconomic events that marked 2022 in and around China and looks ahead to the landscape unfolding in 2023.

新闻稿 23.01.2023


瑞士瑞联发布2022年全年业绩,净利润增长4.5%达 2.104亿瑞士法郎

瑞联银行新闻报道 17.01.2023

The appeal of wealth planning amid increasing mobility

Le Temps (16.01.2023) - In a world of heightened uncertainty, more and more private bank clients are considering setting up residence outside their native countries, and recent geopolitical tensions have sped up this trend.

瑞联银行新闻报道 12.01.2023

UBP in Asia: 2022 round-up and 2023 objectives

Asian Private Banker (12.2022) - UBP Asia CEO looks back at 2022 and forward at 2023

瑞联银行新闻报道 11.01.2023

Alternatives enter a new era

L'Agefi (16.12.2022) - Having played a supporting role while rates were low, alternative investments came back into the limelight when markets struggled in 2022. UBP’s Kier Boley went into it for us.

洞见 09.01.2023

The case for Chinese onshore convertible bonds

The Chinese onshore convertible bond market is the second-largest in the world. It has soared dramatically since early 2017 due to regulatory changes promoting more transparent financing. It is dominated by mid- and large-cap names offering diversified and balanced exposure to domestic Chinese growth.

洞见 06.01.2023

COP 15: Historic agreement beats expectations, but implementation is key

The long-awaited second part of COP 15 (the UN conference on biological diversity) has concluded, with some substantial commitments, but no real fanfare.

瑞联银行新闻报道 04.01.2023

Towards a change of cycle

Delano (12.2022) - For Patrice Gautry, Chief Economist at Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), 2023 should mark the beginning of a new cycle that he hopes will be based on healthier foundations than the current one. This will take a few more months. In the meantime, he believes that bonds are regaining real interest.

瑞联银行新闻报道 20.12.2022


Le Temps (12.2022) - 瑞士瑞联财富管理首席投资官韦立民(Norman Villamin)认为,2023年对投资者来说应不会如2022年般艰难,但由于风险升温,仍须保持谨慎。

洞见 13.12.2022


新年将至,随着通胀压力开始缓和及收紧货币政策周期接近触顶,瑞士瑞联全球外汇策略主管 Peter Kinsella  在本视频中,分享外汇市场在这新阶段里的主要趋势。

洞见 08.12.2022

Navigating the ESG rating labyrinth

The ESG (environmental, social and governance) ratings industry is a growing market as more investors seek to manage the rising risks posed by non-financial issues.

洞见 02.12.2022

Weathering the coming economic storms

With clouds gathering on the investment horizon, UBP’s CIO looks at how to navigate the coming storms

瑞联银行新闻报道 28.11.2022

Constructive outlook for precious metals

Finanz und Wirtschaft (11.2022) - In recent weeks, prices for most of the main precious metals have risen: gold has gone from just above USD 1,600 to over USD 1,700 per oz, silver from lows of USD 18.50 to around USD 21.30, and platinum from USD 850 to around USD 1,000.

洞见 23.11.2022

瑞联银行 2023年投资展望


洞见 22.11.2022

Can investors begin to integrate nature-related financial risks?

“Nature-related financial risks are material and can begin to be assessed today. By integrating data about nature loss into risk assessments, the indispensability of our natural world starts to be reflected in financial decisions.” Grant Rudgley, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)