
Più notizie

  • 04.07.2023

    Biodiversity takes centre stage in UBP’s Impact Report 2022

    We are delighted to have issued the fifth edition of the UBP annual Impact Report, which highlights the performance and key milestones of our impact franchise.

  • 03.07.2023

    UBP annuncia un accordo di distribuzione con Securis per le Insurance-Linked Securities

    Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) ha annunciato oggi di aver firmato un accordo di distribuzione con Securis Investment Partners LLP (Securis), uno dei principali gestori di Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS).

  • 30.06.2023

    SSF Market Study 2023: Thematic and impact investing on the rise

    After years of growth, the total volume of sustainability-related investments in Switzerland declined in 2022, although thematic and impact investing saw remarkable growth.

  • 27.06.2023

    UBP publishes its 2022 Sustainability Report

    Today sees the publication of UBP’s 2022 Sustainability Report which outlines its sustainability vision and strategy, while providing a transparent account of its progress, achievements and challenges.

  • 20.06.2023

    Union Bancaire Privée amplia la sua offerta nell’obbligazionario con una strategia high-income

    Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) annuncia oggi di aver ulteriormente ampliato la propria offerta obbligazionaria con il lancio, nel dicembre 2022, di una nuova strategia high-income.

  • 07.06.2023

    Positive impact in EM: Learnings from three years of investing

    The Positive Impact Emerging Equity strategy has recently reached its third anniversary. To celebrate this key milestone and find out more about the journey so far, we interviewed portfolio managers Mathieu Nègre and Eli Koen.

  • 02.06.2023

    Is artificial intelligence under- or overestimated?

    UBP Zurich recently held an exclusive event with leading financial media company Finews to assess the potential impact of AI on our work and daily lives, both now and in the future.

  • 25.05.2023

    Union Bancaire Privée acquires Angel Japan Asset Management

    Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (UBP) announced today that it has acquired 100% of the shares issued by Angel Japan Asset Management Limited (Angel Japan AM), a Tokyo-based independent investment advisor specialised in the Japanese small-cap equities space.

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