Private Markets: Time for a vol-iday
Professional Wealth Management (PWM) - 29.03.2023 - Given their breadth, this relatively predictable market can provide untapped opportunities for diligent portfolio managers.
The content of our website is not intended for persons resident, or partnerships or corporations organised or incorporated inside the United States (“US Residents”). UBP does not market, solicit or promote its services inside the jurisdiction of the United States at any time. The content provided on the UBP website is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Therefore, nothing on this website is to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any security...
Professional Wealth Management (PWM) - 29.03.2023 - Given their breadth, this relatively predictable market can provide untapped opportunities for diligent portfolio managers.
With the repricing of equity and fixed income markets due to higher inflation and interest rates, hedge funds have returned to the forefront over the last 18 months.
Finews - Claude Baumann (20.04.2023) - Er ist einer der am längsten im Amt stehenden Bank-CEOs in der Schweiz. Ans Kürzertreten denkt Guy de Picciotto trotzdem noch nicht. Lieber würde er noch eine Akquisition tätigen. Mit den von der Schweiz verhängten Sanktionen, tut er sich in der Praxis schwer, und für ihn ist klar, weshalb die Credit Suisse letzten Endes gescheitert ist, wie er im Interview mit finews.ch erklärt.
Generative AI is set to disrupt numerous industries by enhancing creativity, efficiency, and productivity…all sooner than you think.
Private markets play a vital role in portfolio diversification and can provide attractive risk-adjusted returns.
Private markets have a history of strong performances following peak equity markets and even during recessions.
Delano - Marc Fassone (03.04.2023) - Olivier Debat, senior investment specialist at Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), an expert in bond investment, shared with Paperjam and Delano his vision of the bond market and the place that bonds should have in portfolios.
Le Temps - (03.04.2023) - Wieder erschüttert eine Vertrauenskrise den Bankensektor. Deshalb ist es besonders wichtig, sich auf die Analyse der Fundamentaldaten zu besinnen und die strukturellen Unterschiede zwischen den Akteuren dieser Branche zu betrachten.
Le Temps - (27.03.2023) - As we seem to stumble from one crisis to another, observers could be forgiven for wondering how stabilising wealth management actually is, including sustainable wealth management. And besides, one might ask, is the time frame set for transitioning to sustainable investment realistic given all the current upheaval?
2023 began with market optimism that the US could successfully navigate its battle with inflation. Recent data have confirmed our suspicions that getting inflation back to the Fed’s 2% target will be more challenging than markets had been assuming.
Bilan (22.02.2023) - After 2022 brought an 18% fall in the MSCI AC World index, global markets began 2023 with a rally spanning various asset classes.
Bilan - Pierre Novello (27.02.2023) - In 2022, after a lost decade, hedge funds once again saw the turbulent conditions that suit them so well.
Redner: Kier Boley, John Argi, Robert Wibberley
Redner: Kier Boley, John Argi, Fredrik Langenskiöld
Redner: Adrian Künzi