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  • 22.11.2023

    Looking Beyond China

    As UBP launches into Investment Outlook 2024, this year titled Back to the Future, our Co-CEO Asset Management & Head of Investment Management Michaël Lok, Group Chief Strategist Norman Villamin, and Chief Economist Patrice Gautry shine a spotlight on one of its key themes: looking back at events that have led China into a post-bubble restructuring process. Our expert recommends that during this phase China-focused investors look beyond the world’s second-largest economy at other dynamic markets, such as India.

  • 21.11.2023

    European real estate: capitalising on market dislocations

    The real estate market has had its share of upheavals and is in flux as Europe’s economies battle with the consequences of rising inflation and interest rates, weakening demand, and contracting exports, not to mention the unrest in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Meanwhile real estate has its place as a value creator in investors’ portfolios.

  • 08.11.2023

    Global equities: time in the market rather than timing the market

    With a rebound in EPS growth expected for 2024, though with disparities between market segments, and with interest rates and inflation still at elevated levels, active management is key.

  • 08.11.2023

    UBP doubles down on RMs to capture Southeast Asia wealth boom

    Asian Private Banker, Audrey Raj (02.11.2023) - Since Eric Morin took over as head of Southeast Asia, UBP has significantly expanded its team of relationship managers, rapidly increasing its headcount for Southeast Asia as part of its ambitious strategy to capitalise on wealth opportunities in key markets like Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.

  • 07.11.2023

    Impact-Anlagen – die schwierige Kunst, kurzfristige Erwartungen zu managen

    Le Temps (06.11.2023) - In den vergangenen zwei Jahren haben Strategien mit positiver Wirkung, sogenannte Impact-Anlagen, verglichen zu den Branchenleadern der Technologie eine ziemlich enttäuschende Entwicklung durchlaufen.

  • 30.10.2023

    Building an efficient equity portfolio of global leaders today

    Research has shown that 30 stocks is enough for a portfolio to efficiently diversify risks – and this without even taking into account the added benefits of active stock selection.

  • 13.10.2023

    Assessing positive impact in pharmaceuticals

    Pharma is a complex and fast-changing industry that plays a vital role in improving health outcomes and global access to medicines.

  • 05.10.2023

    Investment Update panel addresses Asia clients and prospects

    Sharing insights is an important way for us to engage and connect with our clients. In September 2023, we held a series of dinners in Asia, including in Hong Kong and Singapore, in which we looked back at our mid-year "Walking the tightrope" analysis and expectations.

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