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  • 17.01.2020

    China’s Macro, Equity and Credit Outlook

    After several years of investments, regulatory implementation and competitive bidding, 5G deployment is finally accelerating.

  • 15.01.2020

    China’s Macro, Equity and Credit Outlook

    Despite heightening military confrontation between the United States and Iran, China equities enjoyed a solid start in the new year.

  • 09.01.2020

    EM opportunities in 2020

    Podcast - We see a more helpful economic climate for EM, at least going into the early part of the year, with some signs of growth stabilisation and less pressure on exports.

  • 07.01.2020

    Das Ende des Libors

    Le Temps (23.12.2019) - Der London Inter Bank Offered Rate, kurz Libor, ist für die Anleger so wichtig wie der Kompass für die Seeleute: ein unverzichtbares Instrument, das die Richtung vorgibt.

  • 06.01.2020

    Hong Kong: Market Valuation Amid Local Recession

    After a global slowdown in 2019, UBP expects world growth to stabilise on a moderate trend in 2020 (up 2.4% vs. 2.3% in 2019).

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