Resultados do primeiro Semestre de 2024
Lucro líquido da Union Bancaire Privée aumenta 24,6%, para 138,1 milhões de francos suíços
The content of our website is not intended for persons resident, or partnerships or corporations organised or incorporated inside the United States (“US Residents”). UBP does not market, solicit or promote its services inside the jurisdiction of the United States at any time. The content provided on the UBP website is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Therefore, nothing on this website is to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any security...
Lucro líquido da Union Bancaire Privée aumenta 24,6%, para 138,1 milhões de francos suíços
Research confirms that companies that do not embed sustainability targets into executive remuneration strategies struggle to motivate executives to adopt sustainable practices, leading to misalignment with societal expectations and stakeholder interests.
UBP’s Head of Sustainability, Robert de Guigné, reflects on UBP’s progress in advancing the sustainability agenda since his arrival in August 2022, and outlines what’s next for the Bank as the sustainable finance agenda evolves rapidly in and beyond Switzerland.
A professional alpinist, guide, and speaker featured at a major UBP conference.
UBP’s fourth annual Sustainability Report outlines our sustainability vision and strategy, while providing a transparent account of our progress and achievements along with next steps, covering both investments and operations.
2023 offered a mixed bag for sustainability. While economic anxieties dominated the news cycle, significant strides were made in recognising the interconnectedness of environmental and financial well-being.
Sustainability-related investments in Switzerland returned to a growth path last year after seeing a significant drop between 2021 and 2022.
The importance of performance, the difficulty in putting forward green investments, who will lead UBP tomorrow: these are some of the many topics covered here by the Geneva bank’s CEO, Guy de Picciotto.
Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth at all levels, from genes to ecosystems, plants and animals. This abundance of life is crucial to the health and survival of our planet.
Oradores: Mohammed Kazmi, Nina Jahanbin
Oradores: Kier Boley, John Argi, Robert Wibberley
Oradores: Adrian Künzi