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  • 13.08.2024

    L’ultime ratio pour comprendre la solidité d’une banque

    L’été bat son plein et, avec lui, s’est ouvert le festival des résultats semestriels des banques de la place. CET1, LCR, NSFR, ces annonces comportent parfois un florilège d’acronymes, représentant des ratios financiers censés permettre d’évaluer la solvabilité d’une banque.

  • 22.07.2024

    Résultats semestriels 2024

    L’Union Bancaire Privée annonce un bénéfice net en hausse de 24,6%, à CHF 138,1 millions

  • 21.06.2024

    How UBP bring in-house expertise to private market offerings

    With a rise in popularity of alternative investments in recent years, UBP is tapping the private market space with a mixture of specialist in-house expertise and a highly selective approach to third-party manager solutions.

  • 19.06.2024

    Impact investing: looking for diversification in emerging markets

    We believe that the time is ripe to consider allocations to emerging equities for impact investors. Mathieu Nègre, Co-Head of Impact Investing, covers both the regional and thematic aspects and shares our outlook.

  • 18.06.2024

    Hedge funds take centre stage for UBP dual events

    UBP recently hosted a two-day conference on hedge funds in Geneva and London, featuring insightful panellists, to discuss and exchange ideas on the vigorous growth of the asset class.

  • 11.06.2024

    “Forget unrestricted market access to Europe”

    The CEO of wealth management bank Union Bancaire Privée is focused on growth through acquisitions.

  • 11.06.2024

    Impact Report 2023: a major milestone for nature investing

    2023 offered a mixed bag for sustainability. While economic anxieties dominated the news cycle, significant strides were made in recognising the interconnectedness of environmental and financial well-being.

  • 30.05.2024

    How alternative strategies enhance portfolio stability

    UBP’s Senior Investment Specialist Fredrik Langenskiöld explains why alternative investments remain crucial for portfolio diversification amid market volatility.

  • 21.05.2024

    Embracing regenerative agriculture for sustainable growth

    UBP’s impact team believes in the pivotal role regenerative agriculture has to play in addressing environmental challenges and fostering long-term prosperity. This theme can provide fertile ground for investors looking at impact investing.

  • 26.04.2024

    Swiss equities back on the radar

    Following a relatively lacklustre performance in 2023 and the Swiss National Bank’s recent interest rate cut, is now the time to revisit the Swiss equity opportunity set? In this Investment Rendez-Vous podcast, Eleanor Taylor Jolidon, co-head of UBP’s Swiss and Global Equity team, walks us through Swiss business models, current valuations and industries of particular interest.

  • 17.04.2024

    Diversification is crucial, especially in 2024

    As 2023’s concentrated market rally is extending into 2024, equity investors are worried about a potential consolidation or pullback.

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