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  • 22.07.2024


    瑞士瑞联发布2024年上半年业绩,净利润同比增长24.6% 达1.381 亿瑞士法郎

  • 09.07.2024

    New White Paper covers shareholder voting on remuneration

    Research confirms that companies that do not embed sustainability targets into executive remuneration strategies struggle to motivate executives to adopt sustainable practices, leading to misalignment with societal expectations and stakeholder interests.

  • 05.07.2024

    UBP lays the foundations of a pragmatic sustainability offering

    UBP’s Head of Sustainability, Robert de Guigné, reflects on UBP’s progress in advancing the sustainability agenda since his arrival in August 2022, and outlines what’s next for the Bank as the sustainable finance agenda evolves rapidly in and beyond Switzerland.

  • 11.06.2024

    Impact Report 2023: a major milestone for nature investing

    2023 offered a mixed bag for sustainability. While economic anxieties dominated the news cycle, significant strides were made in recognising the interconnectedness of environmental and financial well-being.

  • 26.03.2024

    "10–15% of clients ask for sustainable investments"

    The importance of performance, the difficulty in putting forward green investments, who will lead UBP tomorrow: these are some of the many topics covered here by the Geneva bank’s CEO, Guy de Picciotto.

  • 28.06.2022

    Backing Asia's sustainable agenda

    Citywire (22.06.2022) - Michael Blake, Asia CEO of Union Bancaire Privée, was asked how UBP is supporting the region’s increasing push for sustainable investment and how this trend is feeding into his own approach to family life.

  • 14.10.2021

    Investing in biodiversity – why and how

    Biodiversity is the variety of life on earth at all levels, from genes to ecosystems, plants and animals. This abundance of life is crucial to the health and survival of our planet.

  • 24.04.2020

    Is your low-carbon portfolio destroying the planet?

    An investor who focuses solely on low carbon emissions could end up investing in polluters, while excluding some of the most important providers of solutions to the climate emergency.

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