UBP’s 2024 wrap-up in Asian Private Banker
How did our Asia business do in 2024 and what’s in store for 2025? To find out, read this interview with our CEO Asia, Michael Blake, in Asian Private Banker.
The content of our website is not intended for persons resident, or partnerships or corporations organised or incorporated inside the United States (“US Residents”). UBP does not market, solicit or promote its services inside the jurisdiction of the United States at any time. The content provided on the UBP website is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Therefore, nothing on this website is to be construed as an investment recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any security...
How did our Asia business do in 2024 and what’s in store for 2025? To find out, read this interview with our CEO Asia, Michael Blake, in Asian Private Banker.
We recently concluded a series of dynamic mid-year Investment Outlook events in key global cities, all with the theme of “Back to the Future.”
Hubbis met with Eric Morin recently to learn more about UBP’s current momentum in Southeast Asia, the bank’s key focus areas, his strategic priorities, and his vision for the future of private banking in the region.
Citywire Asia (27.11.2023) - In a momentous year marked by a mega-merger, ongoing market turmoil and geopolitical uncertainties, Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) has done anything but slow down.
South China Morning Post, Enoch Yiu (15.11.2023) - Over the past five years, Greater China accounts for 75 per cent of UBP’s Asia growth, says Guy de Picciotto.
Asian Private Banker, Audrey Raj (02.11.2023) - Since Eric Morin took over as head of Southeast Asia, UBP has significantly expanded its team of relationship managers, rapidly increasing its headcount for Southeast Asia as part of its ambitious strategy to capitalise on wealth opportunities in key markets like Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.
Asian Private Banker (17.02.2023) - Decades ago, private bankers could survive with a limited investment skill set and a good network, but today they have to master several layers of expertise on top of relationship management skills, Guy de Picciotto has observed.
Finews (09.03.2022) - UBP’s Asia business saw equally strong contributions from Hong Kong and Singapore during the pandemic, the bank’s regional chief executive Michael Blake told finews.asia, underlining that success from the dual hubs need not come at the expense of one another.
Asian Private Banker (19.01.2022) - After overseeing a more than doubling of Union Bancaire Privée’s (UBP) AUM in Asia over the last five years, Michael Blake is targeting discretionary portfolio management (DPM), private markets and China onshore for the next phase of growth at the Swiss pure-play.
Speakers: Peter Kinsella
Speakers: Norman Villamin
Speakers: Adrian Künzi