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  • 12.06.2024

    Structured products: a strategic solution

    Structured products have changed a great deal, after a long period in which they were treated with a degree of scepticism by investors, and as a result of tighter regulations. Although the number of clients using them remains very (too) small, they are likely to play a growing role in asset allocation strategies.

  • 16.04.2024

    The pound is no longer so vulnerable

    There are signs that sterling is set to embark on an upward trend after several years in the doldrums.

  • 02.02.2024

    Monetary policy to give way to fiscal policy

    UBP gives Allnews its latest economic and investment outlook for 2024, with Norman Villamin (N.V.), Group Chief Strategist, and Eleanor Taylor Jolidon (E.T.J.), Co-Head Swiss & Global Equity Franchise and Senior Portfolio Manager.

  • 21.12.2023

    Private Markets 2024 Outlook: Adapting to Rising Rates

    Rising interest rates have disrupted risk distribution in public and private markets, ushering in a new era distinct from the previous decade of suppressed risks and ample liquidity due to the "Fed put".

  • 23.11.2023

    UBP Investment Outlook 2024

    UBP’s experts present their investment convictions for the upcoming year in their “Back to the Future” roadshow.

  • 12.07.2023

    O nosso compromisso para os Family Offices

    Por ser um banco familiar empreendedor, a UBP encontra-se numa posição privilegiada para ajudar as famílias com património líquido ultraelevado (UHNW) a gerirem o seu património. Em alguns casos, a melhor forma de alcançar este objetivo passa pela constituição de um family office, a sociedade de gestão de património da família.

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