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Committed to your investments

Our dedicated teams work with our clients to provide attentive service and bespoke solutions to help them pursue their long-term investment goals. We are committed to being a genuine partner and are here for them every step of the way.

UBP’s Asset Management division is firmly rooted in three guiding principles that permeate throughout all our portfolio-management and client-facing teams:


Agility is a testament to our commitment to meeting your developing needs and navigating complex market conditions. Our structure is designed so that we can adapt rapidly to your changing circumstances, providing you with the best possible service and respond to shifts in market trends and disruptive events, thus proactively providing you with relevant investment solutions.


We firmly believe that our success is intrinsically linked to the success of our clients, which is why we cultivate a client-centric culture that prioritises open, ongoing dialogue to deeply understand each investor's unique needs, objectives, and challenges.

Disciplined mindset.

Having a disciplined mindset translates into a rigorous and responsive approach when providing our clients with investment services, as well as into formulating and implementing our investment views in our clients’ investment portfolios.

Experience our boutique approach

Our investment teams are organised by asset class and market, and they seek to unlock investment opportunities for our clients in equities, fixed income, and alternative asset classes with a focus on either global or regional markets. Our investment expertise is backed by over 200 seasoned professionals and has a presence in the main financial centres in Europe and Asia.


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Focusing on value and quality

Our focus is on active strategies where we believe we can add the most value. Our investment team concentrates on well-defined and distinctive investment strategies. Most of our strategies are managed in-house, but we can also complement our in-house expertise with carefully selected external partnerships to access specialist strategies with a proven track record.


Rigorous risk management

Our risk management framework, which effectively integrates both ESG factors and financial constraints into each team's processes, is independently overseen by UBP's Group Risk Management. We believe risk management is not just a function; it is also a mindset that permeates through our entire organisation.

We employ responsible investment practices that include negative screening, ESG integration, positive inclusion, and impact investing. The Bank's approach aims to enhance portfolio resilience and to contribute positively to companies' practices.


More about responsible investment at UBP

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UBP Asset Management Benelux

UBP Asset Management (Europe) S.A., Succursale de Bruxelles, opérant sous le nom d’UBP Asset Management Benelux, est située au cœur de la région du Benelux. Créée en 2011, elle agit aujourd’hui en tant que succursale d’UBP Asset Management (Europe) SA, société de gestion UCITS et gestionnaire de fonds d’investissement alternatifs (AIFM - «Alternative Investment Fund Manager»), supervisée par la Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) au Luxembourg. UBP Asset Management (Europe) SA est une filiale de l’Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA (Suisse).

UBP Asset Management (France)

Union Bancaire Gestion Institutionnelle (France) S.A.S. (“UBP Asset Management (France)”) is an investment portfolio management company that has been registered with the French Autorité des marchés financiers (Financial Markets Authority) since 2 September 1998 (registration number 98041). It was created as the French subsidiary of UBP Asset Management (Europe) S.A. and is also affiliated to the French Asset Management Association (AFG). UBP Asset Management (France) also carries out property and intangible asset transactions, and holds a professional licence, No. CPI 419 912 712, issued by the Paris chamber of commerce (Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris Ile-de-France).

UBP Frankfurt

In recent years, UBP has successfully laid solid business foundations in Zurich so that we could work with German institutional clients. In an effort to grow this client base, UBP has opened a branch of UBP Asset Management (Europe) S.A in Frankfurt am Main. Located at the heart of the most important financial hub in continental Europe, our Frankfurt office aims to meet the high standards of product and service quality expected by our clients and prospects in Germany. UBP Asset Management (Europe) S.A. is a UCITS management company and alternative investment fund manager; it is supervised by the Luxembourg regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).

UBP Geneva

Geneva is the seat from which Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) has been developing since 1969, to become one of the biggest family-owned private banks in the world. UBP’s headquarters, right in the centre of Geneva, are the largest of UBP’s sites worldwide. The head office is also one of the eleven booking centres the Group has spread across the world’s financial and economic hubs. Our experienced wealth management professionals working out of Geneva provide both private and institutional clients with high-quality, specialised services.

UBP London

UBP’s London branch opened in 1991 and provides both asset and wealth management services. Located in the central area of Marylebone, UBP London employs over 130 staff (as at 31 December 2022).

UBP Asset Management (Europe) S.A.

UBP Asset Management (Europe) S.A. (hereafter « UBP AM »), is a Management Company authorised under Chapter 15 of the Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment (the “2010 Law”) and an Alternative Investment Fund Manager authorised under the Law of 12 July 2013 (the “AIFM Law”), which manages undertakings for collective investment subject to Part I of the 2010 law and other types of funds which qualify as alternative investment funds.

UBP Madrid

UBP has had offices in Spain since 2001, in Barcelona, then Madrid. UBP Asset Management (Europe) SA Sucursal en España, is a Madrid-based branch of UBP’s Luxembourg entity and is registered with the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores.

UBP Milan

The Milan branch of Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) S.A., a Luxembourg-based subsidiary of Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA in Geneva, is situated in the heart of Milan’s financial district. It was set up in 2012 as an asset management service provider promoting funds.


Nature-positive: a game-changer for economies and societies

We explore the importance of nature in our economies and societies – the concept of 'nature-positive', and how businesses can contribute to this global societal goal – in our interview with Dr Noëlle Kümpel, Senior Advisor at BirdLife International.


Measuring biodiversity net gain

As part of its partnership with Peace Parks Foundation, UBP is guided by their expertise in biodiversity measurement and applies this knowledge when engaging with the corporate sector. The aim is to help companies learn from the conservation specialists and disclose more accurate data on nature.


The cost of transition: what are the implications of tariffs?

In a bid to preserve their own industries and reduce their dependency on China, the US and EU recently raised trade barriers against Chinese companies, sparking concerns about the cost and pace of the West’s energy transition. The debate is complex, and environmental and social externalities are a crucial part of it.


A wave of positive sentiment sweeps in for commodity hedge funds

The second quarter of 2024 is seeing a wave of positive investor sentiment, with commodity hedge funds stepping back into the spotlight in the financial arena.


Solving the solvency jargon

Summer is in full swing, and with it comes first-half results season for Swiss banks. These announcements can sometimes seem like an alphabet soup, with terms like CET1, LCR and NSFR representing financial ratios that are meant to help assess a bank’s solvency.


New White Paper covers shareholder voting on remuneration

Research confirms that companies that do not embed sustainability targets into executive remuneration strategies struggle to motivate executives to adopt sustainable practices, leading to misalignment with societal expectations and stakeholder interests.


Things are looking up for hedge funds

Since 2022, certain strategies have been putting in solid performances and their outlooks are excellent. We talk to UBP’s Kier Boley.


How UBP bring in-house expertise to private market offerings

With a rise in popularity of alternative investments in recent years, UBP is tapping the private market space with a mixture of specialist in-house expertise and a highly selective approach to third-party manager solutions.

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