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  • 22.07.2024


    瑞士瑞联发布2024年上半年业绩,净利润同比增长24.6% 达1.381 亿瑞士法郎

  • 11.06.2024

    “Forget unrestricted market access to Europe”

    The CEO of wealth management bank Union Bancaire Privée is focused on growth through acquisitions.

  • 26.03.2024

    "10–15% of clients ask for sustainable investments"

    The importance of performance, the difficulty in putting forward green investments, who will lead UBP tomorrow: these are some of the many topics covered here by the Geneva bank’s CEO, Guy de Picciotto.

  • 08.03.2024

    International Women’s Day: The natural way to diversity is meritocracy

    As the pioneering women who entered a nearly all-male finance sector become experienced and senior, the new cohort of young females arriving are bringing fresh air and a new dimension.

  • 28.08.2023

    Helping young talents inspire others

    UBP is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a young dressage rider as part of its commitment to forwarding the careers of the young generation.

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