Markets in Financial Instruments Directive

The European Parliament’s Directive 2004/39/EC on markets in financial instruments (MiFID I), which applied in all the member States of the EU from 2007 to 2017, initially aimed at:

  • Harmonising the regulatory framework governing the provision of investment services
  • Increasing transparency and competition on financial markets
  • Increasing investor protection

The European Commission has reviewed the MiFID framework. The revised legislation, called MiFID II, entered into force on 3 January 2018. MiFID II includes:

  • The Directive: MiFID II – 2014/65/EU
  • The Regulation: MiFIR – 2014/600/EU

The regulatory requirements for European investment firms cover mainly:

  • Enhanced suitability and appropriateness tests
  • Strengthened corporate governance and internal control frameworks
  • Transparency on costs & charges
  • Inducements acceptable in specific circumstances for non-independent investments firms, which is the case for the entities of the UBP Group subject to those rules
  • Extended product governance obligations

General Information

Conflicts of Interest Policy


List of the exchanges and MTF where UBP can access as member or through an external broker


Complaints Policy


Information on the identity of execution venues and on the quality of execution (RTS 28) for UBP SA clients resident in Germany


Private Banking

Order execution policy for Private Banking


Standardised information sheet for shares on the regulated market (for German resident clients only)


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