
瑞联银行自2001年起已于西班牙设立办事处,首先设于巴塞隆那,其后迁往马德里。UBP Asset Management (Europe) SA Sucursal en España是瑞联银行卢森堡公司位于马德里的分部,该公司已于Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores登记注册。






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UBP Asset Management (Europe) S.A. Sucursal en España
Calle Ortega y Gasset n°22-24, 5° planta | 28006 Madrid
电话:+34 910 472 011

Can Rabia 3-5 | 4ª Pl. | 08017 Barcelona
电话 : +34 936 264 798


Discover UBP's Asset Management capabilities, provided by a dedicated team of experts committed to your long-term investment goals.


Over 200 external asset managers worldwide have selected Union Bancaire Privée as their banking partner. 


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Fraudulent Website Notification

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA ("UBP" or “the Bank”) would like to alert all clients and the public to fraudulent websites detected by UBP listed below. UBP would like to advise that these websites have no affiliation or connection whatsoever with the Bank.

Date of detection Fraudulent Website Address
June 30, 2024 ubprivateonline[.]com/login
May 29, 2024 ubpconnect[.]cftest6[.]cn/my[.]logout[.]php3?errorcode=19
May 21, 2024 unionbnkaireprivee[.]com
May 8, 2024 Ub900[.]net
April 10, 2024 Ub600[.]com
March 20, 2024 ubp-asset[.]org
March 12, 2024 ubpbk[.]online/en
March 6, 2024 ubp-asset[.]com
February 18, 2024 ubpholdings[.]com
December 28, 2023 ubprivee[.]com
November 7, 2023 unionbancarteprive[.]world
September 25, 2023 ubponline-hk[.]com
September 22, 2023 unionbancair88[.]com
September 21, 2023 unionbancairff[.]com
September 21, 2023 unionbancairfff[.]com
September 15, 2023 unionbancairepqqq[.]com
September 14, 2023 ubponlines[.]com/ub/home
September 7, 2023 superaldi-vip[.]org
September 7, 2023 ubpam[.]vip
March 16, 2023 citiheritagebank[.]com
March 16, 2023 ubponline[.]com/eπ/user_access[.]php
March 14, 2023 unionbanscaireprivee[.]wordpress[.]com
March 06, 2023 20min-fx[.]com/?_=%2Fen%23PyGkTmb3gaxOcC1ltbBGw7IzkQ%3D%3D
September 20, 2022 wnitebit[.]com
September 12, 2022 www[.]ubp[.]lt
August 12, 2022 ubponline[.]com/en/en[.]html
July 25, 2022 ubpassetmanagers[.]com
June 20, 2022 ebanking[.]ubp[.]re
June 20, 2022 ubpassetmanagement[.]com
June 7, 2022 www[.]ubp-online[.]com/
June 2, 2022 @ubp-am.net
June 2, 2022 prénom-nom@ubp-am.net
May 31, 2022 ubpassetmangement[.]com
May 19, 2022 prénom.nom[@]ubp-france.net
February 10, 2022 ubp-france[.]net
February 2, 2022 client-am-ubp[.]com/users/sign_in
February 1, 2022 am-ubp[.]com
November 17, 2021 Ubp-france[.]com
November 5, 2021 Ubp[.]re
October 26, 2021 ibank[.]unibponline[.]com
October 25, 2021 Ubp-investments[.]com
October 25, 2021 unionbancaireonline[.]com
August 20, 2021 www.ubp-wm[.]com
June 23, 2021 ubp-clientportal[.]com/login
May 17, 2021 ubponline[.]com
April 7, 2021 kaspib[.]com
February 23, 2021 https://www.ubp-hk[.]com
February 5, 2021 http://www.ubpsingapore[.]com and http://www.ubphk[.]com
October 12, 2020 https://ubpinvestment.org/ch/
September 7, 2020 www.union-bgi.com
July 28, 2020 ub-gi.com
July 24, 2020 ubpinvest.org
June 8, 2020 westoncapitalbank.com
June 4, 2020 http://ubpinvest.com
June 3, 2020 ubpdirect.com
May 26, 2020 www.e-ubp.com

UBP has taken action deemed necessary and appropriate to protect the interests of its customers, the general public and the Bank. Any clients who have provided personal information or have conducted any financial transactions through these websites, are kindly requested to immediately report to the local Police and to contact their UBP relationship manager or Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA at +41 58 819 21 11.


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