1. 词汇表 > 财富管理
  2. Family office
词汇表 > 财富管理

Family office

Family office

A family office is dedicated to the management of the wealth of either one family (single-family office) or multiple families (multi-family office). The family office activity can be carried out under various legal forms and in quite different ways, depending on the needs of the families. Its primary objective is to protect, manage and grow the wealth of these families with a long-term, transgenerational vision. Family offices offer an extensive array of services such as investment management, educational support, accounting, philanthropy activities, art curation, concierge services, and much more.

They tend to outsource some other services including family governance, wealth planning activities and specific phases of the investment process.
Each Family office is distinct since it caters to the individual needs of the families it serves, and every family is unique.

Family office services

