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UBP dans la presse 12.06.2023

UBP’s Ivan Wong on being a pure play amid mergers and bank failures

Citywire Asia - Priyanka Boghani (30.05.2023) - In the wake of the UBS and Credit Suisse merger and US bank collapses, the family-owned bank is playing up its asset management proposition and steady tier 1 ratio to net clients in Asia.

Expertise 07.06.2023

Positive impact in EM: Learnings from three years of investing

The Positive Impact Emerging Equity strategy has recently reached its third anniversary. To celebrate this key milestone and find out more about the journey so far, we interviewed portfolio managers Mathieu Nègre and Eli Koen.

Expertise 02.06.2023

Is artificial intelligence under- or overestimated?

UBP Zurich recently held an exclusive event with leading financial media company Finews to assess the potential impact of AI on our work and daily lives, both now and in the future.

Expertise 31.05.2023

Trends, diversification and relative value in private debt

The private debt asset class has grown rapidly since the global financial crisis. Despite rising rates, structural changes within the banking sector will continue to drive the development of this asset class, according to a new white paper from UBP's private markets specialists. New sub-asset classes are emerging that offer diversification and relative value compared with public bonds and sponsor-backed direct lending.

Communiqués de presse 25.05.2023

L’Union Bancaire Privée acquiert Angel Japan Asset Management

L’Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA («UBP») annonce le rachat d’Angel Japan Asset Management Limited («Angel Japan AM»), une société de conseil en investissement indépendante basée à Tokyo et spécialisée sur le marché des actions japonaises de petite capitalisation («small cap»).

Expertise 24.05.2023

Webinar: the investment consequences of dedollarisation

During our last webinar focusing on the much-discussed idea that more and more countries are abandoning the US dollar as a reserve currency, UBP’s senior strategists shared their thoughts on the combination of cyclical and structural factors that should indeed lead to a weaker dollar, and the impact this will have on asset classes.

Expertise 10.05.2023

Generating consistent returns with SMID caps

In our latest podcast, our investment specialist and fund selector Cédric Le Berre talks with Ned Bell, CIO of Bell Asset Management, about the benefits of partnering with UBP and the momentum he sees in global small and mid-cap equities.

UBP dans la presse 03.05.2023

Investir dans l’infrastructure de transition

Agefi Indices - Mars 2023 - Les investissements privés en infrastructures ont dépassé les USD 1’000 milliards en actifs sous gestion à l'échelle mondiale pour la première fois en 2021-2022, avec une croissance attendue de 116% sur les cinq prochaines années.

UBP dans la presse 28.04.2023

Private Markets: Time for a vol-iday

Professional Wealth Management (PWM) - 29.03.2023 - Given their breadth, this relatively predictable market can provide untapped opportunities for diligent portfolio managers.

Expertise 27.04.2023

Alternative Investment Solutions Review and Outlook at a glance

With the repricing of equity and fixed income markets due to higher inflation and interest rates, hedge funds have returned to the forefront over the last 18 months.

UBP dans la presse 20.04.2023

«Imposer des sanctions est un jeu d’enfant»

Finews - Claude Baumann (20.04.2023) - Il est l'un des CEO ayant la plus longue carrière sur la place financière suisse et ne semble pas vouloir s'arrêter de si tôt. Bien au contraire, Guy de Picciotto reste toujours ouvert à l’idée de nouvelles acquisitions. Dans une interview accordée à finews.com, il évoque les difficultés pratiques liées à la mise en œuvre des sanctions imposées par le gouvernement, ainsi que les raisons de l'effondrement de Credit Suisse.

Expertise 19.04.2023

Generative AI: Revolutionising Business Innovation and Productivity

Generative AI is set to disrupt numerous industries by enhancing creativity, efficiency, and productivity…all sooner than you think.

Expertise 13.04.2023

Why investors should consider allocating to private markets

Private markets play a vital role in portfolio diversification and can provide attractive risk-adjusted returns.

Expertise 13.04.2023

Private markets: attractive opportunities in the coming vintages

Private markets have a history of strong performances following peak equity markets and even during recessions.

UBP dans la presse 11.04.2023

«Les obligations ont à nouveau toute leur place dans les portefeuilles»

Paperjam - Marc Fassone (03.04.2023) - Olivier Debat, Senior Investment Specialist à l’Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), expert de l’investissement obligataire, a partagé avec Paperjam et Delano sa vision du marché obligataire et de la place que devraient avoir les obligations dans les portefeuilles. 

UBP dans la presse 04.04.2023

La confiance, un actif majeur

Le Temps - (03.04.2023) - A l’heure où une nouvelle crise de confiance secoue l’industrie bancaire, il est primordial de revenir à l’analyse des fondamentaux et d’observer les différences structurelles entre les divers acteurs du secteur.