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  2. IE000B4YLVZ8
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U ACCESS (IRL) Bain Capital Global Equity LS Responsible UCITS B EUR

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U ACCESS (IRL) Bain Capital Global Equity LS Responsible UCITS B EUR
VLA – Valor Líquido dos Ativos
Fonte de dados: UBP SA
Desempenho histórico MTD YTD 1 ano 3 anos 5 anos ITD
Desempenho histórico -1.57% 5.33% 9.53% 1.41%
12 meses no ativo 04.23 - 04.24        
12 meses no ativo 9.53%

O desempenho passado não é garantia de desempenho futuro. Os valores de desempenho apresentados incluem dividendos brutos reinvestidos, encargos correntes mas não incluem taxas de subscrição/resgate e impostos a pagar pelo investidor. Para cliente privado os dados de desempenho para subfundos com menos de 12 meses de desempenho não são exibidos. Para cliente comercial o desempenho abaixo de 1 ano é mostrado acumulado. O desempenho acima de 1 ano é mostrado anualizado. Para subfundos denominados numa moeda que não a do fundo, o rendimento pode ser reduzido ou aumentado de acordo com as flutuações da taxa de câmbio. O valor dos investimentos pode aumentar ou diminuir e os investidores podem não receber de volta a totalidade ou parte do montante investido. Fontes de dados: UBP SA


Título Atualizado Inglês Alemão Francês Italiano
Annual report 31.12.2023 PDF
KID PRIIPS 15.03.2024 PDF
Prospectus 25.03.2024 PDF
Semi-annual report 30.06.2023 PDF
Statuts – Articles of Association 07.03.2016 PDF
Título Atualizado Inglês Alemão Francês Italiano
Monthly Report 31.03.2024 PDF
Product card 31.12.2023 PDF PDF PDF PDF
Quarterly comment 30.09.2023 PDF


GBReino Unido
KRCoreia do Sul
ZAÁfrica do Sul
GBReino Unido
KRCoreia do Sul
ZAÁfrica do Sul

Italy: I shares are only notified to the CONSOB.

Singapore: Sub-funds registered with the MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore) can only be offered to “accredited investors”.

Fiscal information

Titre Statut
Fim do exercício 31 December
UK Reporting Fund Status No
Transparência alemã No
Transparência austríaca No
Reporting italiano Yes
Rede nacional interbancária da Suíça No

Sustainability-related disclosure



The Fund promotes environmental and/or social characteristics but it does not commit to investing in sustainable investments. 

The Fund promotes the following environmental characteristics: Sustainable Growth and Reducing Climate Impact.

The Fund promotes the following social characteristics: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (“DEI”). 

The Fund promotes the following environmental and social characteristics: ESG Transparency and Disclosure.

It is intended that at least 85% of the Fund's invested securities (long-only equity positions, excluding cash, cash equivalents and money market instruments) will be aligned with its promoted environmental or social characteristics.

The Portfolio Manager utilizes a fundamental long/short equity strategy and intends generally to make investments in or related to the consumer (discretionary and staples), financial (including:  banks, asset managers, insurance, brokerage, fintech/global payment companies), healthcare (pharmaceuticals and biotechnology) and technology (software, internet), media and telecom (TMT) sectors, consistent with both the Portfolio Manager’s emphasis on low carbon intensity industries and also with the historical experience and expertise of the Portfolio Manager’s investment team, without considering any specific geographical allocation.

In managing the strategy, the Portfolio Manager seeks to implement long positions in the securities of companies it considers are potentially attractive investments both fundamentally and within its ESG framework, to hold over a 2-3 year time horizon. The Portfolio Manager will also implement synthetic short exposure through single-name fundamental shorts (based on fundamental and/or ESG considerations), sector-specific hedges and broader market hedges. 

In addition to short opportunities that are purely fundamental in nature, potential short opportunities may include companies where ESG considerations are an integral component of the Portfolio Manager’s short investment thesis in relation to the Fund, negatively impacting the forward earnings power of the company’s operations. These opportunities may include situations where the Portfolio Manager considers the company is on the wrong side of ESG change, thereby negatively impacting the company’s potential cost of capital or ability to effectively compete.

The short investment strategy also includes a significant tactical hedging component that uses sector-specific or broad index hedges in seeking to manage portfolio level risk.

By integrating ESG analysis into the investment process, the Portfolio Manager takes a holistic approach that considers the global impact (positive, neutral or negative as determined by the Portfolio Manager) of a company’s products, operations and governance on its broad stakeholders, society and the environment. The Portfolio Manager’s holistic approach to ESG considers one or more of a company’s environmental impact; greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; board and executive diversity; and disclosure with respect to material ESG factors.

As part of the Portfolio Manager’s primary due diligence, financial analysis and modeling, and trade construction, the Portfolio Manager reviews good governance practices of the investee company. Companies are monitored on an ongoing basis and are continuously re-evaluated to assess whether the company meets the Portfolio Manager’s criteria as a "non-negative" holding.

The Portfolio Manager carries out an ESG assessment on all long-only equity positions (excluding cash, and cash equivalents and money market instruments) as part of the four phases of due diligence carried out during the investment process. 

The Portfolio Manager avoids investments (long and short) in companies in the following sectors (revenue thresholds may apply): adult entertainment, energy and natural resources, basic materials, mining, controversial weapons, munitions and firearms, tobacco, and utilities.

As regards the methodologies or the sustainability indicators used to measure the attainment of the environmental and/or social characteristics promoted by the Fund, the Portfolio Manager will evaluate investments for the long portfolio as positive, neutral or negative based on the environmental and social characteristics promoted by the Fund. In addition to this sustainability indicator, the Portfolio Manager tracks sustainable growth and climate impact based on the weighted average carbon intensity of long equity holdings, as well as Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions (as defined in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288) (as available). The Portfolio Manager monitors efforts towards DEI for long equity holdings based on the percentage of holdings with at least two female board members. Finally, in tracking ESG transparency and disclosure, the Portfolio Manager assesses the percentage of long equity holdings that report on climate and DEI metrics.

The Portfolio Manager evaluates all long-only equity positions based on company disclosures, third-party ESG reports, and news publications for ESG performance and severe controversies. Information is cross-referenced with third-party data provider to ensure data quality. A proportion of the data sources may be estimated but in all instances the Portfolio Manager seeks to report on primary data provided by the issuer where available. It is currently difficult to report sufficiently accurate numbers on the proportion of data used for the Fund by the Portfolio Manager which is estimated. The Portfolio Manager does not conduct its own estimates on data.

In certain circumstances data required to implement the ESG strategy of the Fund may be difficult to obtain and incomplete, estimated, out of date or otherwise materially inaccurate. The Portfolio Manager makes best efforts to review all relevant sources of information on an ongoing basis to inform a fulsome ESG assessment, including cross-reference of primary information with third-party data provider.

The Portfolio Manager’s investment process has four distinct phases of due diligence: Primary Due Diligence (fundamental and ESG assessment), Financial Analysis & Modeling, Review & Analysis and Trade Construction.

The Portfolio Manager engages with long-only equity positions that have fewer than two women on the board of directors, or companies that have "Moderate" or higher carbon intensity without GHG reduction targets in order to improve ESG performance. The Portfolio Manager may selectively engage with positions to learn more about ESG approach where disclosure is lacking and to advocate for increased transparency.


For more information, please see the fund’s Sustainability-related disclosures.

  • Código ISIN
  • IE000B4YLVZ8
  • Dados como
  • 23.04.2024
  • Último VLA
  • 103.3073 EUR
  • Ativos sob gestão do fundo
  • 57.20M USD

Dados do fundo

  • Nome do fundo U ACCESS (Ireland) UCITS P.L.C.
  • Estrutura jurídica PLC
  • Jurisdição Ireland

Dados do subfundo

  • Moeda base EUR
  • Asset class Single Hedge Fund
  • Viés geográfico Global
  • Data de início 16.12.2021
  • Classificação SFDR 8

Partilhar dados de classe

  • Descrição B EUR
  • Data de lançamento 22.12.2021
  • Tipo de dividendo Capitalisation
  • Investimento inicial mínimo None
  • Subscrição Daily
  • Amortização Daily
  • Taxa de gestão 1.50%
  • Taxa de desempenho Yes
  • Tarifa de taxa de desempenho 17.5% - Historical HWM
  • Último dividendo N/A


  • Bloomberg UABCGBE ID
  • Telekurs 113231829
  • Reuters N/A
  • WKN A3DB10
  • Morningstar N/A
  • Financial Express N/A

